When can you access super from your SMSF? This video will explain conditions of release.
SMSF Education
SMSF – Trustee declaration
A trustee declaration must be completed and kept on file by SMSF trustees. Find out more about it here.
SMSF trustees – individual or corporate
Deciding on the type of SMSF trustee is important. This video will help explain the difference between individual trustees and corporate trustees?
SMSF planning for the unexpected (relationship breakdown, incapacity, death)
Life is full of surprises. Plan ahead to help your SMSF deal with unexpected issues such as a relationship breakdown, incapacity or an untimely death.
SMSF planning for the unexpected (relationship breakdown, incapacity, death)Read More
SMSF Investment Strategy
Your SMSF’s investment strategy is the framework that guides your investment decisions. It pays to have a good investment strategy that is regularly reviewed. Watch this video to learn what factors your SMSF’s investment strategy needs to take into account.